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Kenneth Hollins, founder of Hollins Musical Productions International (HMPI), is a highly qualified teacher and accomplished gospel musician with over 4 decades of experience in the music industry. As a multi-instrumentalist, he has worked with gospel music legends such as Vanessa Bell Armstrong, Timothy Wright, James Moore, Tramaine Hawkins, The Clark Sisters, Maurette Brown Clark, Anthony Evans, Frank McComb, Kurt Carr, Kirk Whalum, Earnest Pugh, Ben Tankard, Kim McFarland, and many others.
Kenneth's passion for music has driven him to create HMPI, a contemporary music production company that provides gospel musicians worldwide with the tools they need to excel in the industry. HMPI offers a wide range of instructional resources, including videos, downloadable lessons, midi files, mp3 files, pdf files, ebooks, online instruction, webinars, and more. Kenneth is the instructor for all of the materials and resources produced by HMPI.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Memphis in Musical Performance and he holds a certification in Kodaly Teaching Methods and Conversational Solfege from the University of Connecticut. Kenneth has written five music instruction books for gospel music. He has worked as a music teacher for various conservatories and schools and has produced and/or performed music for commercially released album projects, television broadcasts, and radio shows across the country.
At HMPI, Kenneth is dedicated to mentoring and teaching gospel musicians all over the world. His motto is "We're serving gospel musicians all over the world," and he strives to provide relevant and applicable instruction that will take musicians to the next level. With HMPI, gospel musicians can reach their goals and true musical potential.
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